
I am not yet certain I have figured out how to move Yellow to Turquoise. I am only on the initial steps myself. But for me it was about fully accepting how we are not separate. How your joy is my joy and your pain is my pain. We are one. And when I open up to that bigger Truth, the pain of the world rushes in. I want to flee. The trick here is to remember I am vast. That I am even bigger than that tidal wave of pain. And then I can sit with it. Accept it and embrace it. But oh my goodness does it hurt. And as I sit with that immense pain, I know that it doesn’t have to be like this. We, together, can join to shift this. But we need so many more people here. As many as we can get. And I look out and dream a wild dream. I dream that you too will find the strength to sit with the pain of the world. And that you too will then look out towards others and ask, “What is our plan? How are we going to do this together?” Welcome to Turquoise.

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