Waking Up

“Cleaning Up” is a good foundation to build on. But it is just the foundation. Let’s see what we can build on top of it.

“Waking Up” combines the fierce ambition to conquer the world with the grace of surrendering to something bigger than ourselves. Think of Martin Luther King. He came from a place of righteous anger that would not be turned aside, but he led us to a place of much bigger love. That is what “Waking Up” brings to the world. We need more of this. So far not so bad, but it gets harder. I’m also going to ask you to embrace your inner asshole and encourage you to step out on to the skinniest branches of woo woo. Easy right?

Most of us doing this work are coming from strong Green, and Green does not see eye to eye with MAGA seditionists and religious zealots. Nor should it. But it is important to not let that blind us to the gift these levels bring as well; the warrior and the mystic. We all have an inner warrior. We all have an inner mystic. Some people have an easy affinity with these archetypes. Not me — it took me quite a while to find my way to them. How about you? Stop here and check in with yourself. Where are you with your warrior? Where are you with your mystic? Are you aware of them? Are they places within yourself that you find easily or do you resist?

Some (but maybe not many?) of you are naturally strong in one or both. If you grew up in strong Green I imagine it wasn’t easy for you. Green talks about anger as a “negative” emotion, and maybe our greatest fear is to be be an asshole. And a little bit of spirituality is ok, but please don’t embarrass us by getting way to woo woo. If you are one of the people who had to hide an important part of yourself let me apologize on behalf of the rest of Green. The truth is we need you. This is where you get to lead. We need the wild warrior that is going to conquer the world. This world needs conquering. But of course we are not just conquering the world for the sake of conquering it. Blue supplies the reason why. Blue has a big enough love to provide the “why”.

But finding that “why” is not a reasonable, decorous process. Nor is it easy. We need to learn to love those MAGA seditionists and religious zealots. In fact we especially need to love them. How are we going to do that? We embrace them as our mirror. Mirror?!? How could that possibly be?! I get it, it sounds impossible right? Please just stay curious for now.

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