Orange Rational Work

It is easy to forget the real gifts that come with Orange. For example we need to replace capitalism, but first recognize how well it sometimes works. It has brought us to the brink (and maybe past) of disaster, but it also has brought us so much wealth and possibilities. Capitalism relies on the The Wisdom of Crowds. It harnesses the creative forces of many individual actors acting alone to capture their collective wisdom. We do need to establish (Blue) rules to ensure a functioning marketplace, but then we can step back and let the market do its magic. We need better batteries? Let the competition begin. Solar power slowly and surely went from one of the most expensive sources of power until now it is the cheapest. And it is going to get even cheaper still. Much of that was due to market forces. Democracy works in the same way. We assume that many people voting their self interest is the best way to govern. Astonishingly it seems to sort of work. As Churchill said, “democracy is the worst form of government – except for all the others that have been tried”

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