2022 Hike the Pacific Crest Trail

Backpack without a backpack on the Pacific Crest Trail (PCT). Join us for our first “comfy” backpacking trip. Experience the magical connection with nature that backpackers get without the need to actually carry a backpack and provisions.

How is this possible??

Each day you get to hike from one campground to the next. Our truck and trailer will transport the gear. At the next camp site your tent and hot meals await you. The hikes each day will last about 6 hours if you are hiking at a moderate pace including time for lunch. On flat stretches they will average 10 miles. On days with elevation gain they are no longer than 6 miles (but you can go longer if you want). On most days there are options for shorter hikes, and you can always ride in the truck if your body is ready for a day off.

We have planned a seven day journey into nature starting at the southern tip of the PCT (at the Mexican border). We have found it takes a few days to disconnect from the everyday world and to let yourself really immerse in nature. To accomplish this, we ask that you plan to stay with the group for the whole week. We also ask that you minimize use of cell phones to help keep you in the backpacker’s mindset.

Each afternoon Odysseus will also lead a walk to experience “forest bathing”. This custom originated in Japan and encourages us to use all our senses on a slow walk with stops to appreciate our surroundings.

Your cost is only the actual cost for camping, supplies and gas. Cost: ~$200 (depending on number of people, max 10) plus your cost to get to and from San Diego. We will provide airport pickup as needed.

Backpacking without carrying a backpack? Why not!


Saturday, April 16th 2022 - Sunday April 24th 2022

Contact us!

Interested but have questions? Ready to sign up? Send one of us an email:


We have reserved the campground at Lake Morena starting Saturday (4/16) and you are welcome to join us. Our trip officially starts at the campground at 1pm Sunday April 17. We will do our orientation and then take our first (short) hike.

Day Date Start End Camp Distance (Options)
Day 0, Saturday 4/16 n/a n/a Lake Morena Campground Early arrivals
Day 1, Sunday 4/17 Mile 0 Mile 2.4 Lake Morena Campground 2.4 miles
Day 2, Monday 4/18 Mile 2.4 Mile 10.9 (+.9) BLM spot 9.4 miles
Day 3, Tuesday 4/19 Mile 10.9 Mile 20 Lake Morena Campground
  • 10 miles
  • 5.3 miles
Day 4, Wednesday 4/20 Mile 20 Mile 32.6 (+.7) Cibbets Flat Campground
  • 13.3 miles
  • 7.3 miles
  • 3.2 miles
Day 5, Thursday 4/21 Mile 32.6 Mile 41.5 Burnt Rancheria Campground
  • 9.6 miles
  • 5.5 miles (maybe)
Day 6, Friday 4/22 Mile 41.5 Mile 46.2 (+.2) Laguna Campground
  • 5.8 miles
  • 2.8 miles
Day 7, Saturday 4/23 Laguna Laguna Laguna Campground Your choice; several beautiful loop trails available, 0 - 10 miles
Day 8, Sunday 4/24 Laguna Laguna Head home after breakfast (last day)

To see a map of the trail go here and zoom in to where the trail starts at the Mexican border.


What do I bring?

You will need standard camping stuff (tent, sleeping bag, sleeping pad, flashlight, towels, clothes, etc) plus whatever you need for day hiking (water bottle, daypack). You will need a good hat for the sun, and you will need some warmer clothes for when we get up into the mountains. We will come up with a more complete list closer to the trip.

Will hot showers be available?

Yes! Most of the campgrounds offer showers, and we will also offer outside hot showers from our camper (using a shower tent).

How does the food work?

We plan on providing most of the food, and then splitting the cost with everyone. We will bring a big, three burner propane cook stove to cook on. We will need help with the cooking and cleaning. If you have special dietary needs you might need to bring some of your own stuff. We will coordinate with people on this.

What happens if the truck breaks down?

Except for the first night you will be staying at public campgrounds, so if we have a problem we will be able to get help. The first night is not at a public campground so before we begin the hike, Odysseus will drop off tents, sleeping bags and food there just to be safe. The truck we are using is brand new and quite heavy duty. We don’t think we will have problems with it.

Why did you choose this part of the PCT?

There is something sacred about starting right at the beginning. Year after year people start here with the intent of submitting themselves to great hardship in order to find themselves. I believe that intent blesses the land and makes it special. It took me a little while to adjust to this ecozone, but I have fallen in love with it. I find it surprisingly beautiful. At this time of year we will find desert flowers blooming and Spring waterfalls flowing. Once we get up to the Laguna mountains the views are incredible.

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