Eight is a magic number (tangent)

Why is eight a magic number?

Valence shells

Eight is a magic number in chemistry. When atoms combine into molecules they want to have exactly eight electrons in their outermost valence shell. Chemistry is based on this. It defines what atoms can join with what other atoms. So for example carbon atoms have 4 electrons in their outer valence shell and if you put two of them together that form a total of eight. I’m simplifying a bit of course, but that really is the basic idea. Also it turns out that two in the outer valence shell works as well, but that is not possible for most combinations

Upper limit to short term memory

Our short term memory seems to only hold 5 to 9 things at a time. So if we are coming up with a list that we want people to hold in their heads, eight (or at the very most nine) is the maximum.

Lucky number in China

The Chinese hold eight as the luckiest number. They traditionally tended to group all of their important things in eights. So they have eight astrology signs, eight imperial ministers, eight cardinal points, etc. Our western minds are quick to scoff at this, but China has a long, rich lived history that deserves respect.

Notes in a scale

A musical scale has eight notes. When you go up or down by eight notes, the notes somehow sound exactly the same, just at a different octave.

Sweet spot for sleep

Eight hours seems to be the sweet spot for hours of sleep

Eight Hakomi Principles

Hakomi started with 5 principles, but now (depending on who you ask) is up to 8. I think adding the extra 3 principles really made the list complete. I am very happy about this – I always thought there were a few missing principles (eg. Loving presence) and now it feels just right to me.

Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics has 8 levels. Note that just like in chemistry the levels we most want to go to are 2 (Purple) and 8 (Turquoise).

So what does all this mean? Nothing really – I just find it amusing.

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